Use: This link is useful because many gamer's goals are to become a pro one day - this article offers products that may help them achieve this goal.
Use: Alike the link above, this article is useful for a gaming blog because many people want to improve at gaming in order to be competitive and possibly make money in the future this article outlines the ways you can do that.
Use: This is a direct link to my cafepress merchandise website , these products help me gain exposure and earn revenue.
Use: Gives the visitor a direct link to my about me web page in order to get a greater sense of what I am about and what to expect on the blog.
Use: blog that creates similar content that this blog creates.If you are on the hunt for another blog to subscribe to this one is among the best.
Use: one of the first gaming blogs ever created. If you want to get a sense of what an extremely successful blog looks like this one is worth checking out.
Use: great website if you want a critics view on a game rather then an average Joe
Use: Best place to go if you want first-hand information on their new consoles and game releases.
Use: Visit this website if you are looking for up-to-date information on new Microsoft Xbox system infomation, game deals, and releases.
Use: This blog is useful if you want well rounded information on everything electronic revolving around Reviews, Phones, TVs etc... not just gaming.
Use: If you are looking for reading materials as well as videos embedded into a blog with more of an emphasis on science, art, and culture within games then this blog serves that purpose.
Use: A lot of the games I review can be purchased new and used from this store. One of the best if you are looking to save some money.
Use: One of the best ways to grow your gaming blog. This website lists reviews from critics/creators in one place. If you can get a spot on opencritic your blog traffic should go up tremendously
Use: This blog is ranked as the third best gaming blog in the world. Turn to here if your looking for primarly video game guides for your favorite games.
Use: The blog polygon represents the page that the editor-in-chief is from Chris Plante. Unlike many others this blog is worth looking at if you want to learn more about the creators of the games you play.
Use: Where I go for most of the games I purchase. They often do midnight releases so it is worth going there if you want a game right away.
Use: Like the name suggests this blog is worth checking out if you are on the look out for what people are raving about revolving around technology. Also, a good place to see news on popular companies like Microsoft and Netflix
Use: Computer game central, this is where you purchase most of the games that are available on computer. Steam offers many deals on games that help you save a lot of money.
Use: Best place to go to in order to get help on fixing hardware issues on your play station console.
Use: Great site to visit if you want to participate in a gaming forum. People gather here to build a civil community among each other.
If you remember, Asus was the first one to offer an ICS update to tablets when it was released, so there’s a big chance that the Taiwanese brand’s hopes could come true.