Monday, June 29, 2020

PS4 Pro Vs Xbox One X (Best consoles of this generation)

Both the PlayStation 4 Pro and the Xbox One X were groundbreaking consoles in terms of power and graphical fidelity when they released 3-4 years ago. Both of these consoles have a lot to offer and are similar in many different ways so it can be hard to make a decision. That being said, these two consoles have pros and cons about them that can either make or break which console you leap on buying. Lets begin with the PS4 Pro...


1. Offers 1440P - 4K HDR gaming for only $400 
2. Offers Virtual Reality Support 
3. Offers 4K HDR streaming through services such as HULU, Amazon Prime, and Netflix 
4. A PlayStation Plus subscription is only required to play games online, you are still able to use other streaming video services and apps ($60 for a year) 


1. Lacks a 4K Blu-Ray movie player 
2. Does not produce native 4K visual quality in every game - sometimes drops to 1440 P or 2440p. 
3. Lacks backwards compatibility game-play with PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 2 games

Now on to the Xbox One X...


1. Offers a full native 4K HDR gaming experience
2. Offers backwards compatibility with games from the Xbox 360 and original Xbox 
3. Offers a native 4K Blu-Ray player 


1. Lacks an option for Virtual Reality Games 
2. Most expensive a console has even been
3. A Xbox Live subscription is necessary to play games online and to use streaming videos services and apps. ($60 for a year)

As you can tell, the PlayStation 4 Pro and Xbox One X both have pros/features that the other console lacks completely or has lower performance on. Just like everything it's important to look at the price point for each of these consoles and evaluate if the included or improved upon features justify the increase in price. For many,  pros of one console aren't really a factor in their decision process and the cons do not really matter to you a lot. Which console is better is largely your opinion in regards to what you like. 

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PlayStation 4 Virtual Reality Headset - External Camera Player Tracking Problem

The PlayStation 4 virtual reality headset was the first VR headset to ever hit the shelves on consoles with an intuitive design and profound graphics. Overall, I really enjoy using the Virtual Reality headset because it makes games a lot more interactive, but on this headset in particular one huge negative I have is the camera player tracking. So, unlike many newer headsets like the Oculus Rift S that uses internal tracking cameras to detect the room around you and accurately detect your movements in the game, the PSVR uses external cameras to get this job done. With this brings the glaring problem of the duo sensor camera losing direct line of site with your headsets tracking sensors and motion controllers when you duck to low or move to far to the left or right. For reference, there has been several times when I was playing the game beat saber (VR "Guitar hero") and I either have to duck low to avoid an obstacle and the camera loses tracking or I swing my arms to far to the right or left and it loses tracking. This results in having to exit to the main menu and recalibrate the headset, camera, and motion controllers, which takes at least 2-5 minutes every-time.  It is a major annoyance and there is not anyway to fix it, only to prevent it as much as possible. Some methods that have worked somewhat for me is to position the PlayStation 4 tracking camera as low as possible while still maintaining sight with you when you stand up. And to alleviate tracking issues when moving to far left or right, I found that rotating the camera just enough so that the camera captures yourself and a few feet to the left and right helps keep the issue from reoccurring. This is definitely a major negative I have with this product and hope it gets an upgrade on the PlayStation VR2. 

Thursday, June 25, 2020

10 ways to become a better gamer (Link)

There are a lot of people out in the world that want to become better at video games, but do not know where to start or what to do.  The blog ProGamerReview compiled a list of eight ways in order to become a better gamer; whilst I believe these are great ways I wanted to expand on this list and give you 10 concrete ways to become better at video games.

8 Ways to Become a Better Gamer by Johannes Amstrup Andersen:  

    For the most part I agree with how this author has structured his list, but personally I would switch #3 "watch professional streams" with #2 "playing private matches". The reason I would personally do this is because while at face value practicing against people is beneficial to improving at a game, you could be playing with people that are a lot lower in skill level then you are and might not be taking the practice session that seriously. On the contrary, when you watch a professional stream you get to see what tactics and strategies the pros use in order to try them out yourself. In addition, you could even play the game while watching the pros play, in order to improve at an even more rapid rate compared to just playing with a bunch of people that may not take the game as seriously as you do. 

The two ways I would add on to this are:

9. Play Ranked Matches
A majority of games nowadays allow you to play compete with other with other competitive players in a playlist called "Ranked". Everybody in this playlist are about the same skill level as you are or even marginally better. Therefore, this allows you to really zone in on how they play and the mistakes they make. If you can learn from their mistakes as well as your own then you can become a better player and as a result continue facing better opponents while continuously improving.

10.  Take A Break 

At least from my experience it seems like people think that you need to play a game practically non-stop in order to improve. In my opinion, this is furthest from the truth. I believe someone would improve at a game much steadily if they play in moderation instead. Just like a lot of things, getting burnt out is a very real thing and from this you become agitated, tired and your concentration starts to dip a lot. Once you see this set in, you would be much better off not playing for a week compared to continuously playing for hours and not improving nearly as much because you're not in the right mindset. 


8. Gaming Gear

On the bottom of my list, I have put gaming equipment, even though a lot of people may disagree. Some people will claim that it is an absolute necessity, while others will say it is 100% about the skills. I believe it is somewhere in between. You can get good without excellent gaming gear. There are even rare examples with professional CS-GO players, gaming on old school equipment, and still performing at the top. But this is the exception, not the rule, and most people will benefit from updated equipment. With that said, it is not all expensive gaming gear that will enhance your performance. Whereas a flashy mouse with a higher DPI most likely won’t change your performance, a monitor with faster response time or a mouse with those extra key bindings can do wonders for you.

Related: Best mice for MOBAfps, and gaming in general. Complete lists.

7. Practice

This obviously sounds like a bit of a cliché, but playing more generally improve your capabilities. But I am not just talking about playing the game since at some point you will not gain much from simply playing. I am talking about playing the game, intending to improve and notice your mistakes. The most significant and most crucial part of this is: be critical of your own playstyle! Most people tend to blame everything on everyone else, and that is a significant hindrance if you want to improve. Next time you play your game of choice, analyze what went wrong every chance you get. Once we begin to look inward and realize our own mistakes, there is usually so much room for improvement.


6. Watch/analyze Replays

This is obviously a bit of a continuation of the point above, but it deserves its own section. I would argue that this is one of the absolute most essential factors when you seek to improve your skills. Most people keep playing hours on end and do not realize what they do wrong. Watching replays of your games will give you a massive advantage over your opponents, and if you ask any professional gamer, it is a part of their process. Most gaming developers know this, and most current day competitive games do have spectator/replay mode. Alternatively, you can choose to record your gaming sessions using fraps, Action, etc. and sometimes this is preferable over just watching replays. In conclusion, even though it is probably more boring watching a replay than playing, you will usually gain so much more from it.

5. Communication/Teamplay

Dota, LoL, CS-GO, Fortnite, WoW, and the list goes on. These are all highly competitive games that rely highly on communication and teamwork. There are times where you can carry your team, especially in casual matches and solo queues. But as you begin to rank up and meet more skilled opponents, proper executed team play and communication are the keys to success. In many cases, you can actually have a team existing of fully capable individuals, but if they all have different plans or ideas, it can quickly go wrong. I realize that not all people are interested in playing in premade teams and use vocal communication, although that is the best way to go.

Even if you don’t use voice chat, good communication through chat will go a long way. And you will surely have a much harder time climbing the ladder if you stay silent. Final note: Being toxic in chat, does NOT count as good communication.

Related: Best Gaming Headsets – Top 5 List

4. Watch Professional Streams

Almost all competitive games have an active ESport scene of some sort. And whether we like to admit it or not, there is a good chance the pro players a just a tiny bit better than us. Watching competitive tournaments or a professional players stream does wonder. Not only are they most likely fantastic players, but it is also an excellent way to learn about the newest builds/meta/tricks, etc. And this is also something that will give you a significant advantage when playing competitively. And With the popularity of Twitch, there is a good chance that a lot of you already do this. Most games are ever-changing, with new hotfixes and balance patches coming in each other week. So watching pro streams keeps you informed and up to date, and probably improve you along the way.


3. Private Matches

If you and your friends have already done everything on this list, you probably won’t gain much from random quick matches and such. A team of well communicating and highly coordinated players will usually destroy any random team. Not only is it horrible to be demolished by a much better, premade team, but you will also get bored with tilting bad teams. This is the perfect time to reach out to other teams that are around and about your lvl. I highly recommend going the subreddit for your game on Reddit and search for groups. I have had a lot of great experience with this. Not only will you find great challenge in this, but it is also so much fun! As rivalries are bound to happen and you will probably find your love for the game renewed.

2. Get Healthy!

Gaming has long been associated with health issues like obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and overall bad physical condition.

Obviously, there is some truth to this as a lot of people tend to neglect both diet and physical activities when sitting in front of a computer for hours on end. However, in competitive gaming, your most important weapon is your brain, and countless studies show how vital dietary and physical health is to your brain function. Cognitive health, in particular, is known to take a hit when you neglect your health, and it also happens to be incredibly crucial for your in-game performance.

In most situations, you will benefit more from cutting the practice session short and hit the gym or prepare a healthy meal. Competitive gaming requires immense focus for extended periods, and having a healthy brain is the secret key to success.

1. Enjoy it!

This is number 1 on my list only because it affects all the above points. If you are toxic and angry, you will not have good communication, and will, therefore, have a hard time. You will also have a tough time finding both teammates and private opponents. But when all is said and done, this is gaming, and it is supposed to be fun. That is why we all became gamers because we enjoy playing very much. And we should all try to be a little more positive when gaming, and remember why we fell in love with it in the first place. If you do this, all the other steps on this list will not be hard work, but the time of your life.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Interview with my friend nick (Interview)

I decided to interview my friend Nick on my gaming blog because compared to my other friends he is much more into technology and video games. Thus, he would be well versed on this topic to provide opinions in order to bring more diverse views into this blog. 

The first question I asked him was “What is your favorite video game of all time?”

This was his response: My favorite video game of all time would have to be super smash bro’s on the N64. I grew up with a lot of my friends playing the game, so it brings back a lot of good memories. I thought the chaos of the game made everything more fun and exciting. It brought a lot of competitiveness and laughter, so I thoroughly enjoyed the game to a high extent over others. One major thing that this game did compared to others is it brought a lot of my friends and family closer. I would play it with my cousins during holiday gatherings or with my friends when we hung out. A bag of chips, salsa, and a pop along with playing the game with a bunch of people made it time well spent. I also just loved the fact that you could have more than four people playing at a time, it allowed everyone to get involved in the same room which is something that games nowadays are missing.


The second question I asked him was “in your opinion, what makes up a good gaming blog?”

This was his response: I think that the number one thing you need to do in order to develop a good gaming blog is you need to find a way to captivate your audience. One way of doing this would be to stay up to date with new upcoming games and other technology that could be releasing. It is also important that you do not completely spoil the game for your readers. I think you should strive to be concise and straight to the point with your reviews and information. I get bored whenever I am reading a review and the reviewer rambles on and on about information that does not really matter. I think it would also be important to connect with your readers. Be present in the comment section of your posts and start up conversations with them, it doesn’t even have to be about games. I also think it would help to throw giveaways to your fans consisting of products and merchandise. This could help keep people looking at your blog content and attract visitors by giving away free stuff. You should try to really personalize your blog in order to make it unique. I think visitors would be much more attracted to your blog if you really show that you care about them and appreciate them for taking the time to read your content.

EA sports madden video game rant

Let me be as blunt and as straight forward as possible; Madden is the same game every year. All EA Sports does to the game each year is add “new” player animations; which are basically just repeats of animations that have been in Madden before in prior years and taken out, then brought back into the game as “brand new”. Each new title continuously has an overpowered emphasis on either the offensive running or passing game in which some plays cannot be stopped no matter what you try. I am sick and tired of entering an online match-up against basically an unbeatable opponent that runs the same plays over and over again because there is an exploit in the game. You would think that EA Sports would care about making a lot of new additions and being innovative with every release, pleasing their fans. But The fact is that they know they are the only creators of a football video game now that NCAA football is out of the picture. This basically allows them to continue to make new iterations of a game while only updating player rosters, adding a few more animations and barely updating a yearly lackluster franchise experience. Without any competition from anyone else, EA knows that anyone who is looking for a daily video game football fix will buy their game even if it barely improves. It is strictly a monopoly, and until an underdog comes in and captures some of their fans, they will continue to deliver a lackluster and “broken” video game experience that people are sure to complain about but still will purchase. This is as far from simulation football as you can get. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Chris Plante: Editor-In-Chief and Co-Founder of Polygon (Profile)

Chris Plante is an editor-in-chief and co-founder of the website Polygon. Polygon is a top ten gaming website that publishes news, game reviews, game culture, and videos. Under the websites owner Vox Media this site differs from others by focusing on the biographies of people behind the games rather than primarily the games itself.  Chris Plante is a highly influential person that strives for creativity and thus helped jump start this website towards success. He developed the sections Cooperatives, reviews, previews, reports and opinions as separate video series which increased video views over 400% for Polygon, whilst also publishing numerous of Polygon’s most read feature articles. Prior to landing his position at Polygon, he worked as a freelance writer for roughly 9 years for The New York Times, The Guardian, The Daily, Joystiq and others. During his years as a freelance writer, he was able to develop himself as a person that has a lot of creativity energy and someone that websites can depend on because he has a lot of experience and respect from companies that he has written for.  I believe something others in the gaming niche can take away from Chris Plante in order to be successful as well is to try their hand at freelance writing because it can really get your creativity juices flowing. As a freelance writer, you could be asked to write about things that you are not enthusiastic or knowledgeable about and present it exactly how the publisher would have wanted it.  This translates to a gaming blog because in order to be successful creativity is key. You need to be able to stand out from your competition by posting information that grabs people’s attention to your blog over the others. I am not saying that you need to do freelance writing for 9 years with various companies, but if you do it as a side gig it could translate to higher success on your website.

How I predict video games will look like in 10 years (Prediction)

    There is no doubt in my mind that in ten years time video games will have made leaps of technological advancements and probably in hindsight look magical compared to what we have now. Right now, ray tracing has just been introduced to games and is still not widely available to a lot of people and platforms. I can see ray tracing and possibly other graphical enhancements becoming the norm in the future as hardware becomes even more powerful. If you are unaware of what ray-tracing is, it is basically a visual emulation within games that accurately replicates how light refracts and reflects off of real world objects. It makes games look much more true to life as if you were there in the game. In addition to ray tracing becoming the norm, I can see virtual reality headsets and equipment really taking off in popularity. Currently, there are only a few VR headsets available like the PSVR, Oculus Rift and HTC VIVE. One of the things that deters people from buying them right now are their high prices. The HTC VIVE alone can sell for over $1,000. As technology continues to advance, I would predict that these prices will also start to become more affordable and thus more attractive to the general public. In addition to VR headsets becoming more popular,  I also think they will become so powerful that using one becomes even more realistic then they already are. A few things that virtual reality is lacking right now is resolution still isn't up to par with a television and wires on some models still keep you confined to one area. In ten 10 years, I expect every virtual reality headset to be completely wireless so that games can possibly use real-player walking/running and translate it directly into character movement inside the game. This may be a stretch but it may even be possible to not need dedicated headsets anymore but instead be able to utilize glasses with all the processing power you need inside of them. All in all, In ten years I predict video games will be so technologically advanced compared to now that they almost look "too real", games will become the ultimate escape from reality. 

Monday, June 22, 2020

Personal top five ideas for gaming blog content (Lists)

It could be hard to come up with ideas for what kind of content you want to put into your new gaming blog. It is important that you post content that fits your agenda/purpose but you also do not want to be too repetitive in the specific content you are pushing out. For instance, not many readers will want to explore reviews of games all the time and are instead demanding for varied content revolving around video games and technology. 

I am here to bring you ideas to really break out of that habit or comfort zone. Whilst working to develop and further vary the information that you put out in order to appeal to not only a wider audience but to also keep people more engrossed overtime. 

1. Reviews 

    This one is pretty self-explanatory, you personally play a game for at least 8-10 hours or enough to develop a solid all encompassing opinion. This idea for a gaming blog is magnificent and can potentially earn you a lot of money. People are always looking for new games to play and you could be the one that influences their purchase decision. Gaming blogs tend to go this route as you are fairly expected to draw in a lot of traffic and thus potential earnings may be higher compared to making game walk-through's which only some people may find useful depending on the difficulty that a majority of people are having. 

2.  New arrivals/upcoming games 

    I believe this could be a massive way to gain a large amount of followers for you blog and subscribers. Search the web and try to find out as much as you can about upcoming game releases in order to optimally be the primary destination that people go to for news. You could capitalize on these blog posts even more if you can be one of the first people to push out new information.

3. Game/Console comparisons 

    Instead of just reviewing a console or game you could write a comparison between a similar console or game. For reference, especially when new video game consoles release people everybody wants to know which one is the better console in certain areas or features. On the video game side, you could compare a racing game such as Need For Speed to Forza Horizon in order for your audience to have more confidence in picking the game that delivers more of what they are after in relation to the other game. 

4. Game Walk-through's 

    As I mentioned above, writing "Walk-through's" or basically guides for beginners to new games or in order to assist players that are stuck and can't progress through a part of a game could be in high demand depending on what it is. If you are able to accurately identify what people are looking for help or guides on and which games are booming at the moment this can bring in tremendous traffic. Although, I rank this lower then Reviews in general because from my experience I tend to turn to YouTube for visual help. 

5. Top 10 list of your favorite games

    This one can be a pretty big conversation starter. Put together a list where you rank the games you have played from best to worst. This idea will help expose gamer's to new games they may have never heard about and even may lead to a debate that can hopefully be controllable and civil. Overall, a top 10 list can bring attract a lot of visitors looking for games that they expect they will enjoy. That being said, it ranks at the bottom of my list because it is not very flexible or dependable for a constant flow of traffic. As you can only make a handful of top ten games before you run out. 

Speaking of gaming blog content... check out my newly opened cafepress shop where I am selling my unique products for Video Game One-Stop Reviewer!!!



Sunday, June 21, 2020

Xbox series X console design critique

       The design of the Xbox Series X is bland and boring to say the least. It is practically a black rectangular box with a disc drive, and a bunch of television connections and cratered fan holes on the top. To me nothing screams innovative or raises eyebrows from the design. Now to be fair, I see what Microsoft was going for. They most likely were after resembling a desktop tower in their design and to each their own it will help a lot with cooling off the system as it will enable the system to utilize a parallel cooling architecture according to Microsoft which strives to not obstruct any airflow. People across the world are saying the Xbox One X resembles a trash bin or an air purifier and I see it. To me a next-generation console design should resemble a leap in design cues with sharp curves and a flashy design that remarkably stands out compared to items around it. At the very least, Microsoft should have incorporated a two-tone design or something other then a drab black. Basically, I feel like Microsoft dropped the ball on the design. It’s one thing to keep the “box” look hence the console name “Xbox” but at least they should have added some flair to it. Don’t get me wrong, I am aware that it’s more about the internals then the external look, but they should have put in some eye-catching qualities. The Xbox Series X is not winning any beauty awards that’s for certain.

Doom Eternal general review (PC)

       Just like It’s predecessor Doom Eternal fails to disappoint. This successor to Doom (2016) still offers that fast-paced first-person gory combat we’ve all grown to love, and the demons in this reboot are even more deadly and highly equipped with explosives and extremely deadly weaponry. The graphics on this reboot are still as stunning as ever, representing something just shy of what you would see out of a underground horror movie. One thing is for certain, this game doesn’t skimp out on the bloody cut-scenes. The iconic rip and tear hectic environment has yet to wear off in this franchise and It really kept me engrossed in the campaign. One thing to note, this successor was hugely more strategy and skilled based then the previous release. There were a few times through some missions where I had to lower the difficulty from “Hurt me plenty” to “I want to live” because I just could not get through the checkpoint without dying. This reboot demands that you conserve your bullets as much as possible, because ammo drops are scarcer then ever. On top of that, throughout this game it is imperative that you use the most effective weapon for each type of demon you want to kill. Some weapons expose weak spots and finish off demons quicker, and one’s things for sure there are a ton of demons to kill. Overall, I view Doom Eternal as a superb successor to Doom (2016). It follows in the footsteps of its predecessor closely while also adding new weaponry, tactics, and character abilities into its arsenal. If I were to pinpoint one thing that I wasn’t a huge fan of it would be the difficulty scaling and just how few and far between ammo drops are, but for some that just adds to the prowess and experience.



I give this game a 9.5/10, If you have played the predecessor you will certainly not be disappointed, and it is a game that new gamer's of the franchise can pick up and start playing without prior recollection of Doom (2016). Also, If you are a fan of first-person shooter intense combat, I would definitely look into this one.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

How To Write A Video Game Review

Since this blog revolves largely around myself making reviews for games, I believe it would be a good idea to make sure you fully understand how to make a review properly in order to get the most out of my postings and possibly give you some guidance if you want to start your own video game blog. 


1. Begin simply by playing the game of your choosing for at least 6-10 hours. It is crucial to get a significant play-through of the content and explore as many features in the game as to not rely on first impressions only. 

2. Whilst playing, take notes about what you like during the play-through. Take notice of game aspects such as graphics, sound, player and world mechanics. Also, take the time to jot down notes about how smoothly the game flows from scene to scene. 

3. Likewise, take notes about what you do not like during the play-through. For instance, if the graphics look drab or unclear jot that down. If you feel like the game does not transition smoothly and has you confused or wishing for more than that is another thing to take notice of. No game is perfect, it is important to identify anything that you believe caPern be improved upon in order for the game to deliver a better experience. 

4. Try to compare the game to previous releases or other similar games in the genre that you have played. It could become easy to be overcritical about an aspect or feature in a game. Thus, comparing to previous releases or other similar games allows the audience and yourself to have a reference point and not just a blanket opinion that can seem harsh. If a feature of the game is not up to par with your expectations but has improved from previous releases than that's a step in the right direction. 

5. Start compiling these components above into a full fledged review of about 500-1000 words. 

6. Begin by introducing the game you will be reviewing. Especially, if it isn't a popular game it is important to hook the reader in and give a general insight of what the franchise or title is about. Focus on around 2-4 sentences. 

7. Next, dive into talking about the graphics, sound, and overall mechanics. Be sure to at least mention what console you are playing on as this may influence graphics and sound to some degree. This portion should be fairly comprehensive consisting of at least 4-6 sentences. 

8. Write about the overall plot and characters that are in the game. Make sure not to go too indepth, as this can unintentionally spoil the game for the reader. Write just enough so your reader gets a general idea of the game and is able to accurately identify if this would be a title they would want to play. Focus on around 3-5 sentences. 

9. Project your personal opinion on the game. Give an overall score on a scale from 1-10 whilst saying if you would recommend it or not all things considered. 

10. PROOFREAD, look for common punctuations errors, run on sentences, grammar errors etc. It is very important for your reviews to look professional. It would be hard for a reader to take your opinion  seriously if you have hundreds of errors. When it's ready, send it off to be published or post it yourself. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

PlayStation 5 General Breakdown (What is known so far)

With next-generation consoles just over the horizon it's never been a better time to start investigating if your pre-order will be worth the investment. Sony's PlayStation 5 is slated to release during holiday 2020. What a better time to see a wrapped box under your Christmas tree? One thing is for certain, the Specifications of Sony's PlayStation 5 will surely be a monumental upgrade over the previous generation.

First we have the CPU ("AKA the brains of the console) 

 This new system will utilize 8 Zen 2 cores clocking in at around 3.5 GHz, compared to that of the PlayStation 4's 8 Jaguar cores clocking in at a measly 1.6 GHz. In layman's terms, The PlayStation 5's CPU is roughly 60% faster than that of the PlayStation 4. Fair enough, Sony claims that this new console will be over 100 times faster then the previous generation, whilst coupling a solid state hard drive as well in the system. 

Now on to the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) 

The PlayStation 5 will be utilizing a whopping 10.28 teraflops, with 36 CUs (Computing Units) at 2.23 GHz - these computing units will be operating on variable frequency, which basically means that this speed may drop given the workload put on the console. What will undoubtedly open a lot of eyes is the new GPU architecture this new console will be utilizing called RDNA 2 technology. This will bring forth ray tracing to the table, which will take full use of reflections and shadows in order to make games as true to life as possible. Just imagine being spider-man swinging from skyscraper to skyscraper rendered in true to life image quality... sounds pretty sweet right? 

Here comes the shell shocker SSD storage!

I make that proposition because Solid State Hard drives have been around for years and finally consoles will be making use of them. The base model of the PlayStation 5 will sport a 825 GB SSD effectively delivering 5.5 GB/s of performance/speed. In efforts to eliminate all the technological jargon that no one really understands/cares about, this new SSD will use the most powerful PCIe 4.0, which will make it roughly 100 times faster then the PS4's current hard drive. Loading times will be cut down significantly or become nonexistent, and video game developers will be able to utilize faster visual rendering by introducing instant teleportation to different areas of a game and all in all this will make games feel a lot smoother and polished.

Lastly, there comes the console design of the PlayStation 5  

 (Image Credit:Sony) 

Some say it resembles a WiFi router, I for one love the two tone color design and futuristic look Sony is after. 

About (Video Game One-Stop Reader)

Welcome everyone to my blog - Video Game One-Stop Reader, as intended by the title this website will be dedicated to reviewing PS4 and PC games that I have personally played, whilst omitting any biases created by paid reviews,  which well known websites like IGN are notoriously known for. In addition, to video game reviews I will also be the one-stop reader for new tech news regarding next-gen consoles or blockbuster games that are revealed or soon to be released. Readers of this blog will gain further knowledge on technology that they are interested in and also get an honest review of video games that they may potentially purchase. 

Let me introduce myself: my name is JDAVIS and I have grown up in the North-West Suburbs of Chicago. I have been a pretty big fanatic of video games since I was around 8 years old; which at the time I played on the Super Nintendo and PlayStation 1. I have written numerous product reviews and video game reviews on Reddit and Amazon, so therefore I feel like I have sufficient background and experience in this niche. 

To those of you who do not know what a blog is or what I will be doing on here, I will give you a run down. Basically, a blog is a specific website typically run by a writer who produces content on a specific niche area. A blog is a great spot to build connections with people that share a common interest through comments and recommendations. This page will serve as a meeting ground in order to build a community. 

For questions or if you simply want to chat, email me at 

Should cross-platform multiplayer be a thing for every game? (Debate)

Just five or so years ago, you would never see a multiplayer game that is capable to be played across various game consoles/PC. Now we have ...