Wednesday, June 17, 2020

How To Write A Video Game Review

Since this blog revolves largely around myself making reviews for games, I believe it would be a good idea to make sure you fully understand how to make a review properly in order to get the most out of my postings and possibly give you some guidance if you want to start your own video game blog. 


1. Begin simply by playing the game of your choosing for at least 6-10 hours. It is crucial to get a significant play-through of the content and explore as many features in the game as to not rely on first impressions only. 

2. Whilst playing, take notes about what you like during the play-through. Take notice of game aspects such as graphics, sound, player and world mechanics. Also, take the time to jot down notes about how smoothly the game flows from scene to scene. 

3. Likewise, take notes about what you do not like during the play-through. For instance, if the graphics look drab or unclear jot that down. If you feel like the game does not transition smoothly and has you confused or wishing for more than that is another thing to take notice of. No game is perfect, it is important to identify anything that you believe caPern be improved upon in order for the game to deliver a better experience. 

4. Try to compare the game to previous releases or other similar games in the genre that you have played. It could become easy to be overcritical about an aspect or feature in a game. Thus, comparing to previous releases or other similar games allows the audience and yourself to have a reference point and not just a blanket opinion that can seem harsh. If a feature of the game is not up to par with your expectations but has improved from previous releases than that's a step in the right direction. 

5. Start compiling these components above into a full fledged review of about 500-1000 words. 

6. Begin by introducing the game you will be reviewing. Especially, if it isn't a popular game it is important to hook the reader in and give a general insight of what the franchise or title is about. Focus on around 2-4 sentences. 

7. Next, dive into talking about the graphics, sound, and overall mechanics. Be sure to at least mention what console you are playing on as this may influence graphics and sound to some degree. This portion should be fairly comprehensive consisting of at least 4-6 sentences. 

8. Write about the overall plot and characters that are in the game. Make sure not to go too indepth, as this can unintentionally spoil the game for the reader. Write just enough so your reader gets a general idea of the game and is able to accurately identify if this would be a title they would want to play. Focus on around 3-5 sentences. 

9. Project your personal opinion on the game. Give an overall score on a scale from 1-10 whilst saying if you would recommend it or not all things considered. 

10. PROOFREAD, look for common punctuations errors, run on sentences, grammar errors etc. It is very important for your reviews to look professional. It would be hard for a reader to take your opinion  seriously if you have hundreds of errors. When it's ready, send it off to be published or post it yourself. 

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